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Rosewood Hexagon Mabkhara - Semi 3D - Various Sizes

Rosewood Hexagon Mabkhara - Semi 3D - Various Sizes

Regular price $460.00 SGD
Regular price Sale price $460.00 SGD
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1. Al-Ikhlas (23cm Height)

قُلْ هُوَ اللّٰهُ اَحَدٌۚ

اَللّٰهُ الصَّمَدُۚ

لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُوْلَدْۙ

وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَّهٗ كُفُوًا اَحَدٌ

English Translation:

Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “He is Allah—One ˹and Indivisible˺; Allah—the Sustainer ˹needed by all˺. He has never had offspring, nor was He born. And there is none comparable to Him.”

2. Al-Falaq (26cm Height)

 قُلْ اَعُوْذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِۙ

مِنْ شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَۙ

وَمِنْ شَرِّ غَاسِقٍ اِذَا وَقَبَۙ

وَمِنْ شَرِّ النَّفّٰثٰتِ فِى الْعُقَدِۙ

وَمِنْ شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ اِذَا حَسَدَ

English Translation:

Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “I seek refuge in the Lord of the daybreak from the evil of whatever He has created, and from the evil of the night when it grows dark, and from the evil of those ˹witches casting spells by˺ blowing onto knots, and from the evil of an envier when they envy."

3. An-Nas (29cm Height)

قُلْ اَعُوْذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِۙ

مَلِكِ النَّاسِۙ

اِلٰهِ النَّاسِۙ

مِنْ شَرِّ الْوَسْوَاسِ ەۙ الْخَنَّاسِۖ

الَّذِيْ يُوَسْوِسُ فِيْ صُدُوْرِ النَّاسِۙ

مِنَ الْجِنَّةِ وَالنَّاسِ

English Translation:

Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “I seek refuge in the Lord of humankind, the Master of humankind, the God of humankind, from the evil of the lurking whisperer—who whispers into the hearts of humankind—from among jinn and humankind.”


Product Description:

A beautiful and one-of-a-kind Islamic Rosewood Mubkhar engraved with the calligraphy of Surah Al-Ikhlas / Surah Al-Falaq / Surah An-Nas. The exotic Rosewood material has a significant role in adding a distinctive luster to this new Collection, thanks to its peculiar deep brown-reddish color and vivid veins.

The unique hexagonal shape with the handcrafted calligraphy allows the fragrant smoke of the incense to rise through, often causing it to form into unique curls and waves along its aromatic journey into your space.

Product Features

  • High Grade Rosewood
  • Stainless Steel Bowl
  • Environmentally Friendly PU Paint Coating
  • Matt Finish
  • Luxury Gift Box
  • Gift Card

Dimensions & Weight

  • W: 10cm, H: 23cm (0.5kg)
  • W: 10cm, H: 26cm (0.6kg)
  • W: 10cm, H: 29cm (0.7kg)


  • Free Shipping Worldwide
  • In stock items will be shipped within 7 business days
  • Shipping time will be approximately 7-14 days depending on delivery location
  • Import tax and duties in the recipient country are not included
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